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We\u2019re confident camp will go ahead in January 2024! But we still need to minimise the risk of anyone catching Covid-19 while at camp and keep each other, and our wider community, as safe as possible.<\/span><\/p>\n

Please isolate if you’re unwell and stay home if there is any chance you have Covid-19. For further information on Covid-19 and how best to keep yourself and others safe please see the New Zealand Government’s Unite Against Covid-19 website \u2013 covid19.govt.nz<\/span><\/p>\n

By working together we will make sure that camp is as safe as possible!<\/span><\/p>\n


We want to reassure you that should you come down with Covid-19, or any other illness, before camp we will refund your ticket in full. Or, if in the unlikely event, we are unable to proceed with camp, we will refund everyone’s ticket in full.<\/span><\/p>\n


Advice from Mana Whenua
<\/strong><\/span>Our first point of reference in working out our response to the challenges of Covid-19 is our local Mana Whenua advisory group: Their priority is actively making sure that vulnerable members of the community are kept as safe as possible \u2013 and we are very happy to follow their advice.<\/span><\/p>\n

We would also like to acknowledge their help and support. We appreciate the careful thought they put into their consideration of the risks, and how to best ensure that the well-being of the community is protected. <\/span>Their advice is to continue with normal events and activities, and all marae and kura in our rohe are open. <\/span>\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n


A<\/strong><\/span>t Camp<\/strong>